Day 1: Wednesday; June 18
- 4:00 pm - Team/Individual Registration / Check-in
- 5:00 pm - Opening Ceremony
- Opening Remarks by Frederick Granillo, PISBDCN Network Director (Live, Pre-recording available)
- Keynote Speaker: TBD
- 5:10 pm – MC
- Introduction and explanation of the event/process
- How to create a pitch
- 6:30pm - 7:30pm - Team formulation
- Team registration with Coordinators
- Registration Fee of $50/team due by 7:30pm
- 7:30pm - 9:00pm - Working Session
- MC - Reminders & Housekeeping Items
Day 2: Thursday; June 19
- 4:00 pm - Sign-in
- 4:30 pm
- Pitch Sessions to Mentors
- Working Session with Mentors
- 6:30 pm - Workshops/Seminars - How to Start a Business
- 7:15 pm - Guest speaker (TBD)
- 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Working Session / Mentors available
- MC - reminders, next day schedule, housekeeping items
Day 3: Friday; June 20
- 4:00 pm - Sign-in / Pick Line Up
- 4:30 pm - Working Session with Mentors available
- 6:30 pm - Finalize Presentations
- Slides due to AV @ 6:45pm
- 7:00 pm - Pitch to Local Judges
- 8:30 pm - 8:45 pm - Deliberations
- 8:45 pm - 9pm - Local Winner Announcements
Day 4: Saturday; June 21 (Guam Time - Zoom)
- 1:00 pm - Final Presentations
- RMI (1pm -20 min) (3pm RMI)
- Kosrae (1:25pm) (2:25pm Kos)
- Chuuk (1:50pm)
- Guam (2:15pm)
- Yap (2:40pm)
- Palau (3:05pm) (2:05 pm PW)
- 3:30 pm - Deliberations
- 3:45 pm
- Closing Remarks by TBD
- Awards Ceremony
- Photo
- 4:30 pm - End of event